Friday, May 25, 2007

Softwares and Copyright Issues

I had written about a problem in one of my earliest posts – about how it was difficult for me to upload images because of their size. Most of the images that I capture are in Superfine mode of my Canon Powershot A530 camera and are Large. Each of the images are around 2-2.5MB, making it very difficult for me, using a Jurassic dial-up connection at home to upload these images to my blog. Yet, I have always wanted to share the pictures.

Believe it or not, in spite of being a nobody in photography, I did not want anyone else to use my pictures either. Recall a blog entry on Copyright Issues. Friends have smirked and laughed about it. But what’s mine is mine!

Recently I visited and downloaded two freewares / free softwares – Photorazor and Photo-Image Resizer. Guess what, either of them solve all my problems. What these softwares do is convert a 2+ MB image to <100KB. The high quality image resolution is lost, I agree. But I have the original image with myself. Should one need printed copies, just ask. I will send them over. Of course, the cost would be for you to bear. Lol

Copyright issues are also addressed. There is no point using a low resolution image for anyone, but it surely acts as a showcase for me.

And copyright issues remind me, I clicked a picture of the books I recently read and posted it on this blog. I think the covers are copyrighted. But I am not too sure. So, to avoid any unpleasantries, I do herein seek to be condoned for any violation. Furthermore, may I add that the cover copyrights, if any, rest with the original owners and my effort does not take away any credit. If at all, it provides good and positive publicity. Peace!

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