Saturday, January 27, 2007


William Blake. 1757–1827

The Tiger

TIGER, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? What dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,

And water'd heaven with their tears,

Did He smile His work to see?

Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
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The Thinker

Quite a thinker I found in the zoo today.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007


This is not one of my clicked pictures, but i liked this one very much and wanted to use it to wish all my friends A VERY HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dev Brat's Marriage

My dear friend Dev Brat got married yesterday. Here are two pictures. Dev Brat is looking cool and the bride is looking absolutely gorgeous. Great couple. Congrats!!!!
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The Pictures from NSC 2007

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National Sudoku Championship 2007 Kolkata Round

TOI presents NSC 07
Originally uploaded by ranjansaras.

Wow! What an event! Awesome!

Unfortunately, though, I didn’t make the cut. It was pretty interesting, the Kolkata round of the National Sudoku Championship. The 1230 participants were divided into three groups of approximately 410 participants in each group. I was placed in Group A.

The first round comprised three puzzles. In this set, one had to first solve a diagonal sudoku and transfer four digits in the same position in the given classic sudoku. Upon solving the classic sudoku, one would have to transfer four digits in the same position in the given irregular sudoku and then solve the irregular sudoku to obtain four digits marked A, B, C and D. Interesting!

But there was a catch. All of it was to be done in just 55 minutes. Quite challenging.

I was through with the first two sudokus in the first 25 minutes; however, the Irregular Sudoku killed me. I was almost done, but time was up and I was out of the competition.

Some 50 contestants fought on the whole day and finally the top eleven were identified. They won a music system and a watch each and most importantly tickets to participate in the National Meet in Mumbai next month. I wish them all, all the very best.

Next time, I will fight again, and hope to do much better. Till then have a look at these images.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Book Fair 2007

I love reading books, all kinds of them. And the Kolkata Book Fair in the last week of January and the first week of February is probably one of those events that we Kolkatabashis look forward to; most eagerly waiting for the event of the year. An event that is more of a festival for book lovers from and around Kolkata than merely a fair.

It is traditionally held at the Kolkata Maidan, but now there is a problem. The so-called and self-proclaimed environmentalists have somehow reached the conclusion that holding a fair, a book fair at that degrades the environment around the Maidan, the heart of Kolkata.

Numerous frivolous Public Interest Litigations (PILs), further burdening our already overburdened justice delivery system, are raging in the Kolkata High Court, some seeking permission and no objection from the High Court and some others seeking a preventive order. The Kolkata High Court itself has decided that is has minimum locus standi in this regard, whereas the Indian Army, being the caretaker of the Maidan, will have to decide whether to allow the fair or not on the grounds. The extent of jurisdiction, as of now, of the Kolkata High Court is to check and minimize pollution.

Since the passing of this order, other PILs have been lodged alleging that the Book Fair, if held at Maidan will lead to various kinds of pollution in the very heart of the city. I agree. And totally so.

The same proponents, however, are willing to let the fair to be held some other place. Just like saying, let the gangrene set in the foot but please spare the heart.

The solution to the problem does not lie in relocating the fair, but in controlling the extent of pollution. Adequate safety measures and consciousness about pollution among the visitors is probably one very good way to control pollution. Come to think of it, such a solution can work wonders for a major metropolitan anywhere in the world. People should be conscious about their immediate environment, pollution and what harm is brought upon environment everyday by us. The picture of future will definitely not be a rosy one. People need to be educated in terms of being able to minimize pollution of all kinds.

Obviously, the role of the State and Central Governments in this regard is very significant. They must play a major role in educating the citizens and providing the right infrastructural support so as to actually achieve the goal of having a much greener city.

O and please involve those people who lodge those PILs. They love the environment and would love to do some 200 hours community service.

But the Governments should also take note of this situation. There is no place in Kolkata where a major fair can be held. Many fairs are held at Netaji Indoor Stadium, but they are usually of a much smaller scale. A new stadium or fair complex needs to be developed not far from the heart of the city (which is most easily accessible from all parts of the city), for the sole use of fairs. Till then control pollution, but let’s go to Maidan for the Book Fair 2007.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Press - Us Bloggers

In the last one year, blogging has caught on with many netizens. So much so that TIME magazine made YOU (bloggers) the Man of the Year. From writing a diary to actually interacting with the world, venting emotions and opinions, blogging has changed internet usage into a more meaningful avenue. Kudos!

One big source of information and news stories and their follow up is better conducted through blogs, blogs have touched our lives, if not changed them altogether. To top it all it enables learners to educate themselves and everyone to showcase their creativity.

Just the other day I was reading a couple’s blog, and how they are fighting cancer, and how their readers have stood by them giving strength and courage.

Another recent happening that has particular significance for bloggers is that for the first time ever, bloggers have been granted press credentials by a federal court in the USA.

An excerpt from another blog

"The Washington Post reports that, for the upcoming trial of Vice President Cheney's former Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, bloggers have for the first time been granted press credentials by a federal court. Sayeth the article:
When the trial of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice opens next week, scores of journalists are expected to throng the federal courtroom in Washington, far too many for the 100 seats set aside for the media.
But for the first time in a federal court, two of these seats will be reserved for bloggers. After two years of negotiations with judicial officials across the country, the Media Bloggers Association, a nonpartisan group with about 1,000 members working to extend the powers of the press to bloggers, has won credentials to rotate among his members. The trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the highest-ranking Bush administration official to face criminal charges, could "catalyze" the association's efforts to win respect and access for bloggers in federal and state courthouses, said Robert Cox, the association's president.
"Bloggers can bring a depth of reporting that some traditional media organizations aren't able to achieve because of space and time limitations," said Sheldon Snook, administrative assistant to Chief Judge Thomas F. Hogan. Snook added that some bloggers also bring expertise that is welcome in court.”
(Copyright of the original writer, link given below)

Read here

When will we, in India, get such opportunities?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Love Flowers II

Originally uploaded by ranjansaras.

More flowers clicked by me in Macro mode

Love Flowers

Originally uploaded by ranjansaras.

The Eden Gardens in Kolkata have remained closed for the last two years. This has been painful for flower lovers who would usually look forward to the winter flower show at the Eden Gardens.

I would earnest urge the West Bengal Government to take some proactive steps to reopen the Gardens as soon as possible.

In the meantime, thanks to the Forest Department which has decided to beautify the city with flowers.

National Sudoku Championship 2007

I am very happy to have qualified to participate in the National Sudoku Championship 2007 for its Kolkata Regional Round organized by QUIXY and The Times of India. The regional rounds started with a qualifier on Saturday, 13th January. Four puzzles were listed and the readers were to solve these puzzles and send their answers either through email or call up their call center number.

Whereas the first three puzzles were relatively easy, the fourth one was a rather difficult one. With 75 points at stake I had spent more an hour to finally be able to solve it. Or so I thought.

And today in the morning when I received their call confirming my entry I was so happy. In fact my happiness was doubled when they also informed me that I had solved all four puzzles correctly thereby scoring a maximum possible – 160. 160 out of 160 is cool. Does an awful lot to inflate my ego. LOL

Anyways, I am heading for the Science City, Kolkata on next Sunday to participate in the regional final. I would very much like my friends to wish me luck so that I can do well and qualify for the National Championship to be held in Mumbai.

PS: If anyone is interested in solving sudoku puzzles on their computers, please write to me for some cool softwares.

Sunday, January 14, 2007