The score so far: Anand leads Topalov 3-2
White Anand, ViswathanBlack Topalov, Vesenlin
Game 6
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 dxc4 5. Bg2 a6 6. Ne5 c5 7. Na3 cxd4 8.
Naxc4 Bc5 9. O-O O-O 10. Bg5
Deviation from Game 2
10. --- h6 11. Bxf6 Qxf6 12. Nd3
Interesting opening, although Anand is a pawn down, the position is almost equal, coz he has sufficient compensation.
12. --- Ba7
Anand could now bring out the queen rook to c1 or bring out his queen to b3...
13. Qa4
Topalov could consider some quick queen side development now with Nd7, etc. Note 13. --- b5 doesn't help Black because of the g2-a8 diagonal and the rook at a8.
13. ---Nc6
I am checking the merit of 14. Bc6 bc6 15. Qc6 Rb8 16. Qc7
14. Rac1
Though Anand is a pawn down, he was compensated by Topalov's lack of development and the badly placed bishop at a7. But the grip seems loosening. The idea of Qa4 was to prevent Nc6, which Topalov played anyways willing to return the pawn, yet Anand chose not to take the pawn. Perhaps the control of the h1-a8 diagonal cannot be just given away already.
Expecting 14. --- Bd7 now, but Topalov is taking his time, must also be considering other candidate moves.
and yes, he was
14.--- e5 15. Bxc6 b5 16. Qc2 Qxc6 17. Ncxe5
Was that a missed opportunity there after 15. --- b5 ? Anand could have chosen 16. Bb5 ab5 17. Qb5 where it seems White forces a bit better off
17. --- Qe4
Topalov improves his position.
18. Qc6 Bb7 19. Qe4 Be4
position equal
lining up the rooks
21. --- f6 22. Nd7 Bf5 23. N7c5
The a6 pawn is loose. Black can take the Knight Bc5 or play Bb8 or Bb6
23. --- Bb6 24. Nb7 Bd7
would have thought that Topalov wanted to attack the e2 pawn with Bg4
25. Nf4
Anand is very good with Knights, but can he improve to a winning position?
25. --- Rab8 26. Nd6 Re5
position equal
27. Nc8 Ba5
28. Nd3 Re8 29. Na7 Bb6 30. Nc6 Rb7 31. Ncb4 a5 32. Nd5 a4 33. Nxb6
Rxb6 34. Nc5 Bf5 35. Rd2
looks very very draw
35. --- Rc6 36. b4 axb3 37. axb3 b4 38. Rxd4 Rxe2
Still even, but the position looks livelier
39. Rxb4 Bh3 40. Rbc4 Rd6 41. Re4 Rb2 42. Ree1 Rdd2 43. Ne4 Rd4 44. Nc5 Rdd2 45. Ne4
45. --- Rd3 46. Rb1 Rdxb3 47. Nd2 Rb4 48. f3
Topalov refusing to walk the drawn lane, Anand complying. Now Topalov looks marginally better, though.
48. --- g5 49. Rxb2 Rxb2 50. Rd1 Kf7 51. Kf2 h5 52. Ke3
Rc2 53. Ra1 Kg6 54. Ra6 Bf5 55. Rd6 Rc3+ 56. Kf2 Rc2 57. Ke3 Rc3+ 58. Kf2 Rc2
Anand 3.5 - Topalov 2.5 after the first half of the Match
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